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Therapy for New Mothers in Marin County, CA

You Want to Get Ready for Motherhood. Support is Here.

You're a woman about to start a family but you want to have support and get your ducks all in a row before you even give birth. Or, you're a woman trying to start a family and you're worried you may be prone to postpartum anxiety or depression. You know these are real possibilities, and you want to be able to ease into motherhood with the support you need.

Perhaps, you have just started a family. You're wanting to gain the support you need so you can get through the postpartum period without any issues. Or, you're worried that you are slipping into postpartum depression and anxiety, and you want to be able to seek support before it becomes too severe. Because you know taking care of your mental health helps you be the best you can be for your family.

Why Might Someone Seek Therapy for New Mothers?

Women may seek therapy for new mothers for many reasons. It can be as simple as wanting to get ahead of the game and making sure they have the support they need when their baby arrives. It could also be because they’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious or scared about the thought of becoming a parent.

Other reasons to seek Therapy for New Mothers include the following:Photo of a woman sitting on a toliet in a towel holding a pregnancy test. Are you feeling stressed about becoming a parent? Learn how therapy for new mothers in Marin County, CA can help you feel more confident.

  • Wanting to prepare for the changes that come with having a baby
  • Having difficulty adjusting to the new role of motherhood
  • Feeling overwhelmed with all the changes in your life
  • Experiencing constant worry, fear, or sadness
  • Feeling isolated and alone
  • Struggling to connect with your baby
  • Experiencing postpartum depression or anxiety
  • Feeling disconnected from your partner and/or other family members
  • Struggling to adjust to life with a new baby in the home
  • Feeling guilty or inadequate as a parent
  • Feeling overwhelmed with all the responsibilities a new baby brings

Each mother is unique, and so is the experience of motherhood. Therapy for new mothers can help you adjust to the changes and become the mother you want to be. Therapy can help you be proactive about taking care of your mental health and realize you can't pour from an empty cup.

What are the Benefits of Therapy for New Mothers?

There are many benefits to seeking therapy for new mothers. Therapy is an opportunity to gain support before, during, and after being pregnant and having a baby. It can help you face all the challenges that come with being a new mother.

The Benefits of Therapy for New Mothers also include the following:

  • Getting support for feelings of loneliness, fear, and anxiety
  • Learning more about the emotional changes that come with motherhood
  • Developing better-coping skills to manage stress and other feelings
  • Developing strategies to deal with any postpartum depression or anxiety
  • Getting support for adjusting to the role of motherhood
  • Developing healthier relationships with family members and partners
  • Gaining insight into your parenting style
  • Exploring ways to feel empowered as a mother
  • Learning to adjust to the changes that come with having a babyPhoto of a pregnant woman sitting on a bed holding an ultrasound photo. Are you feeling overwhlemed with the idea of being a new parent? With therapy for new moms in Marin County, CA you can gain the confidance you need to be a good parent.

Therapy for new mothers is a space to explore your unique experience as a woman about to start or who has just started a family. It is a space to feel supported, accepted and empowered on your journey. Our team of caring therapists is here to provide you with the resources, understanding, and guidance that you need. 

Our Team is Here to Support You On Your Journey

At Thought Partners, our caring therapists understand that this journey to motherhood or parenting can different than you expected. We have worked with many women who are wanting to start a family, who are struggling with postpartum depression or anxiety, or who have experienced a traumatic birth and need to process that.

Before therapy, they might feel overwhelmed, scared, and isolated. Struggling with the discrepancy between what they thought this would feel like and what it's feeling like now. The division of labor with their partner or other family members is often a source of distress and "mommy guilt".

However, after attending therapy, these women express feeling more empowered and confident in their parenting roles. They were able to better adjust to the changes that come with motherhood and gain insight into their parenting style. These women were able to establish a firm division of labor between themselves and their partners or other family members. They realized that they shouldn't feel guilty for taking care of themselves and realize that they can't pour from an empty cup.

Our Approach to Therapy for New Mothers

At Thought Partners, we approach therapy for new mothers by providing supportive therapy with psychoeducation that will help you to normalize and validate your struggles. We will scaffold down with community resources and support networks to help you feel less isolated. Our therapists will make sure that your sessions are supportive and collaborative. We use non-judgemental and integrative techniques such as talk therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapies. These techniques will help you and other women understand how their thinking impacts their mood.

Your therapist will also link you and other new mothers to resources that can help improve symptoms, such as support groups, parent-child classes, and acupuncture exercises. Because we want to make sure that you have access to all the support and resources you need. You deserve support and a thought partner through this journey.

Photo of a pregnant woman sitting on a bed smiling and holding her stomach. Don't stress about becoming a new parent. With therapy for new moms in Marin County, CA you can gin the confidence you need to be a new parent.

Interested in Therapy for New Mothers in California?

At Thought Partners, we understand the unique challenges and needs of new mothers. You just want to be the best mother to your child and we are here to help. By helping you be proactive and explore your feelings and experiences around motherhood, we can help you find the tools to make parenting easier. Our team of dedicated and passionate therapists will help you find the resources and support networks that you need to make this journey easier. Let us be your thought partner. If you’re interested in starting therapy for new mothers:

  1. Contact Us to Get Scheduled With an Appointment
  2. Learn More About Our Therapists
  3. Begin Gaining Support And Resources Now!

Other Therapy Services at Thought Partners in California

Our team of therapists understands that being a mother can come with a variety of challenges, and we are here to help you through every single one. This is why at Thought Partners, we offer a variety of therapeutic services to address these issues. We offer services such as anxiety therapy, pregnancy and postpartum therapy, individual therapy for adults, couples therapy, online therapy, therapy for children, parent coaching, and more. If you have any questions about our services please don’t hesitate to contact us. To learn more about us check out our blog or FAQs!